Developing Positive HabitsDeveloping Positive Habits

Developing Positive Habits

The Canalside Life Coach Guide to Developing Positive Habits

Remember a habit is your brain’s way of making everyday life easier as we don’t have to learn things over and over - for example, tying laces on your trainers!

If you are trying to break an unhelpful habit - try keeping a simple Log/Diary

  • perhaps on your mobile keep a tally or a voice note.

  • or you may prefer a notepad or Journal (if you’re a stationery lover!)

This identifies the environment, state and time matrix within which you “do” your habit

  • When does your habit subside?

  • When is it “satisfied”?

You are probably aware of a lot of this - it helps to capture it - not to beat yourself up about it, but to get a handle on the drivers under your behaviour and thinking.

As you become more aware of your feelings and thoughts, you may notice patterns more easily after a few weeks (or days!)

Writing/typing or vocalising “how” you do your habit will help you recognise your triggers, shift your thinking and start the process of feeling more in control.

Keep a Log or Journal to work towards Developing Positive Habits

Keep a Log or Journal to work towards Developing Positive Habits


  • I will ask you “How quickly do you believe that you can let go of this problem?”

We will use NLP/NEURO LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING tools to help your Unconscious mind do the work for you in the background - this shifts your attention and energy to the outcome you want. These techniques are “brain hacks” that are easy to learn. You then have a skill to deploy for emotional strength building in every area in your life.

You will develop a clear strategy to put a positive habit into your Unconscious mind and embed it in your routine in a way that is natural - and it will be successful.

You will become aware of changes in behaviour - it’s good to recognise something every day it happens, however small. Remember to see the good bit, don’t worry about what didn’t happen…you will get there!

Want to start your personal coaching now? Arrange your complimentary introduction video or voice call

Anne Brookes Canalside Life Coach Photo

Accountability checklist:

We will build in checkpoints and milestones between sessions - these needs to be realistic, we will talk through it together. You can positively USE the power of habit!

  • I will ask you “What are you doing/feeling/believing differently since the last session?”

  • Then we can test/remeasure/close the loop

Has your positive habit goal been achieved? What evidence is there?


Thinking about triggers helps in Developing Positive Habits


Charles Duhigg in his book, The Power of Habit, talks about when thinking about how powerful your habits are, consider this: almost 40% of everything that you do is a result of your habits, not your decisions.

The most common triggers fall into five categories:

  • A place

  • A specific time of day

  • Other people

  • An emotion

  • A preceding behavior or action

Want to start your personal coaching now? Arrange your complimentary introduction video or voice call

Anne Brookes Canalside Life Coach Photo

As a professionally qualified NLP Coach I can help you with installing strategies that go towards changing your habitual behaviour - I am not a therapist specialising in addictions.

Professionally qualified: Three logos: The American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Coaching Division of the American Board Of NLP, Time Line Therapy Association

I am qualified and certified as a Life Coach, an NLP Coach and in Time Line Therapy® © is a space to reflect, boost the positives and achieve your outcomes

and is a trading name of AJBC Ltd Registered in England

ALL IMAGES free of copyright and sourced with thanks from Centre for Ageing Better, Unsplash and Pixabay