Empower yourself with online and in person life coaching in Birmingham and Achieve life balance & personal growth with Canalside Life Coach
Anne Brookes is the Canalside Life Coach and looks forward to meeting you for online life coaching or in person life coaching near Birmingham!
I send you a proposal of our way forward and in preparation for the first session you receive feedback on a fun quiz and a questionnaire before our first hour together
Your first Coaching Session has a discount as a welcome - you pay £130 online
£150 in person
After agreeing to this commitment, we will arrange payment
£160 online
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£180 in person
I’m happy to talk about what you are able to pay if this is a concern so please contact me if you have a Blue Light card (UK)
You choose how to use your time
coaching sessions one to one online or in person near Birmingham
coaching support via phone/text/emails
resource packs to use in your own time before and after to keep you focused
3 hour package from £450 online
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mix and match examples:
a 1-1 coaching session in weeks 1 and 3, with text support every few days and a focus phone call in week 2
3 hours coaching 1-1, following up on resource pack activities and building towards goals
6 hour package from £750 online
mix and match examples:
a one hour 1-1 coaching session in weeks 1 and 2, a focus phone call in week 3, a 2 hour session in week 4 for deeper work, focus phone call in week 5 and final 1-1 in week 6
progressive work in 1-1 sessions using the GROW coaching model, dipping in to resource packs as you need in your own time
After agreeing to this commitment, we will arrange payment
Do you need a boost? You don’t need a facelift, you need a LifeLift©️!
Your bespoke package over as many weeks or months as you wish
explore & work towards a fresh outlook
make positive changes and feel better about yourself
You will feel able to tackle issues that may have been holding you back - from making a choice or a big change in your life
Tailored programme with 1-1 coaching, bespoke activities and coaching support via phone/email/text at your pace:
LifeLift©️ for Jaded over 50s©️ from £1,700 online
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COMING SOON! mini e - book LifeLift©️ Guide for Jaded over 50s©️
We work through 4 topics: Pause, Protect, Pivot and Project
Whatever life has thrown at you so far, you will benefit from a deep dive into what really matters to you and learn how to ease into positive feelings for your future.
Once we have worked together, this is available at any stage you are ready: preparation a week before and a few pre-booked hours in one flowing session to fully experience the impact you want: we can use Time Line Therapy® to help overcome any negative or limiting beliefs that are blocking you.
From £875 online
After agreeing to this commitment, we will arrange payment
Arrange your complimentary introduction video or voice call
Anne Brookes is the Canalside Life Coach and looks forward to meeting you for online life coaching sessions or in person coaching if you’re near Birmingham!
I am qualified and certified as a Life Coach, an NLP Coach and in Time Line Therapy®
and is a trading name of AJBC Ltd Registered in England
ALL IMAGES free of copyright and sourced with thanks from Centre for Ageing Better, Unsplash and Pixabay